Prince Edem Samoh
Research Intern, Ghana
Prince Edem Samoh is a biomedical engineering graduate from the department of biomedical engineering, University of Ghana. He currently works as a research assistant for the Hive Biolab and Open Bioeconomy Lab. He is passionate about genetic engineering and synthetic biology. Within the lab, he has worked on the Girls in Biotech training program, where he trained a group of females to acquire skills and knowledge in the field of biotechnology. He has also worked on cellular reagent manufacturing. He is currently working on reviewing and improving protocols for the Enzyme Manufacturing and DNA assembly Masterclass. He is about to start work on building up a DNA ladder through the digestion of a plasmid, thus building up a plasmid that can be digested by a BsaI restriction enzyme to create a DNA ladder. Outside the lab, he loves 3D modeling and programming.