Open Bioeconomy Lab develop and advocate for the adoption of open hardware in science. Much of this work is conducted with other organisations, for example many of the activities detailed on this page have been led by the Gathering for Open Science Hardware, with financial support from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation.
Reports and papers we have co-authored examining open hardware for research from a range of perspectives

Report in collaboration with the Wilson Centre Science Technology and Innovation Programme addressing the need to build a stronger foundation for science by prioritizing open hardware

Report in collaboration with the Gathering for Open Science Hardware on opportunities and challenges for the adoption of open hardware by TTOs.

Report in collaboration with the Gathering for Open Science Hardware on international organizations and governments can increase their innovation capacity
towards the SDGs by adopting and promoting open hardware.

A review paper summarising community-driven approaches based on Free and Open Source scientific and medical Hardware (FOSH) and PPE during COVID-19

Paper reflecting on challenges around standardisation in the OSH community and on relevant areas for future development such as an open tool chains, modularity and hardware-specific interface standards.
Convened by the Gathering for Open Science Hardware with facilitation by OSHWA and Aspiration, with financial support from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation.

Why fund open hardware and what are the most impactful funding strategies?

Identifying categories of open hardware outputs and how funders can track their impact: a critical component of evaluating funding programmes.

Funders shape the open hardware ecosystem alongside practitioners: what are their responsibilities and expectations for their investments?

Who is doing and/or supporting OH within different types of
institutions? How do we support them?

What types of leaders do we need to empower in order to realise our collective open hardware objectives, and how might we support them?