Type of Enzyme
In the Public Domain since
January 25, 2025
Application Features
High fidelity DNA polymerase designed for accurate PCR amplification of long strand and GC- rich DNA templates for cloning and cDNA amplification applications. Generates blunt-ended PCR product.
Original Paper
Takagi, M., Nishioka, M., Kakihara, H., Kitabayashi, M., Inoue, H., Kawakami, B., Oka, M. and Imanaka, T., 1997. Characterization of DNA polymerase from Pyrococcus sp. strain KOD1 and its application to PCR. Applied and environmental microbiology, 63(11), pp.4504-4510. https://aem.asm.org/content/63/11/4504.short
- DNA Sequence (optimised & domesticated)