We build technologies for an open, globally inclusive and equitable bioeconomy
We develop biomanufacturing tools and technologies that are sustainable by design and deployable in low-resource contexts
Green and circular biodesign for reagent manufacturing
Modular technologies for robust supply chains
Agile, just-in-time production with cell-free synthetic biology
Featured Project:
Green magnetic bead manufacturing
Collaboration with UCAM Colloidal Dispersions Group to use salt-driven assembly of silica magnetic nanoparticles for DNA and protein purification
Featured Project:
Distributed production of restriction enzymes
Investigating cell-free expression of restriction enzymes for Type IIS DNA assembly and diagnostics: from biotech to business model
We investigate the most effective ways that our research can make a positive impact in developing and emerging economies, particularly the effect of open source technologies
Open source toolkits to enable distributed biomanufacturing of reagents
Impactful global partnerships and capacity building for the SDGs
Strategies for an open, sustainable and equitable global bioeconomy
Featured Project:
Open Enzyme Collection
Collaboration with Free Genes Project at Stanford providing >150 enzymes and DNA parts for manufacturing essential research reagents.
Featured Project:
CRISPR TyphoidDx
Novel partnerships for diagnostic development and manufacturing in Cameroon based on CRISPR-Cas12 technology.
Featured Project:
Advancing Open Science Hardware
Policy for open science hardware in research, technology transfer and sustainable development

Latest Research
Parametric Magnetic Tube Racks
Revisiting and Realizing the Promises of Synthetic Biology
Open Hardware Funder Salons
Video credit: “From DNA to protein video” © yourgenome.org, Wellcome Genome Campus Public Engagement Team, licensed under CC-BY 4.0